Sunday, April 26, 2015


Haven't seen anything about it, but if it has been said before, feel free to leave a comment below. Whether it was from "Arrow", "The Flash", and "Legends"( still an unconfirmed title). If you've heard or read, feel free to educate. But, as for now the question remains, when will Lanterns begin to appear?

During the "Arrow/Flash" crossover earlier in the season, there was a very clear reference to the emotional spectrum. As most fans are aware, Latnerns of all colors get their powers from the spectrum. That episode even had a meta-human who used "rage" as his weapon. Although not an outright "Red Lantern", coupled with the spectrum reference it almost "opens the door" for there to be one.
Sure, there is an almost endless list of characters who some may prefer to see on the small screen. However, the only time we've seen a Lantern of any color in "live action" was in the movie "Green Lantern" (2011). So, it would be somewhat "historic" in a sense. Also, there has only been rumors of a Green Lantern appearing in the current movieverse. Even the rumors can't quite decide on which character to use. Hal? John? Guy? Kyle? Simon? These are just the Green Lanterns, there are of course the other corps of Lanterns. Similar to Marvel's "X-Men", the Lanterns are almost an entire "world" all in itself. And since there seems to be no plans to perhaps give them their own television show, it is almost "needed" for them to begin to appear within the "Arrow/Flash/Legends" tv-verse. Hal Jordan alone has comic book history with both Green Arrow ("Arrow") and The Flash ("The Flash" obviously) so it would be interesting to see their stories unfold on any size screen.

Was hoping that "Supergirl" would be the "alien" show while "The Flash" focused on meta-humans, and "Arrow" on more human based characters. But, it doesn't appear to be that way, so hopefully "Legends" begins to showcase those from other planets. Space is a big part of the DC Comics Universe (not intended, but the pun works), so they should at least begin to expand in that direction. and really, who better to connect earth and space than a Green Lantern from Sector 2814?

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If not for the internet, we wouldn't get to see anything beyond what would be shown on Entertainment Tonight (or something like that). But then, if not for the internet we wouldn't be exposed to so much hate. Unjustified most of the time. There was the Batfleck casting drama, Wonder Woman not being "big enough" type bullshlacka, and this time around even a clown can't get no love.

That's right, the recently revealed photo of Jared Leto as The Joker made its rounds across the web. While some have learned to take a "wait and see" approach to these things, the majority was already predicting failure for "Suicide Squad". That is usually the case though. People scream for change, yet shun new things (approaches).
Is Jared Leto giving us a version of The Joker that is traditional in the visual sense? No, even though his hair and figure is the closes there has been to the comic books version(s). His teeth? It actually makes sense. How many times has Batman knocked out Mr. J's teeth? One would be safe to assume that The Joker would want to "change them up" every now and again. Then there is the ink job. That is slightly understandable, but at the same time it is something "fresh". And The Joker would be one who may be too vain to get tattoos, but at the same time, he is narcissistic enough to get his "own" tattoos on himself. I wouldn't be shocked if we were to see a Batman logo inked on his back. It would actually "make sense" given his obsession with The Dark Knight.
And although there are still those who disliked Heath Ledger's rendition of The Joker, there were a massive amount of those who had to "eat crow" afterword. From his casting,  to how appeared in promo shots. Heath garnered the same amount of negativity. Sadly he wasn't alive to receive the Oscar, which he would've won regardless.

The funny thing is, while everyone argues over who was the better Joker, and where Leto's rendition will place him (even though we know nothing beyond one picture. one.) among them. Every incarnation of The Joker, even the apparent punk styling and likely "attitude", is actually a piece of who The Joker is. He's a variety of things, and is ever evolving. Just throwing that out there, even though I am sure many will rip both this article and Leto's Joker aha

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Thursday, April 23, 2015


Everyone has their own favorites, whether it is the characters, the actors who played them, or a combination the the two. Some characters have only been portrayed by one actor/actress, while the others have had different people take the helm. But, here is a list of favorite characters from both movie and television shows of the comic book genre...

Surprisingly, Ben Affleck may be the preferred choice in a years time after the teaser trailer for "Batman Versus Superman: Dawn Of Justice", but until then it is Michael Keaton. If there was a Michael Keaton and Christian Bale love child, they'd likely be tops in my books.

I can remember sitting on a computer in the library back when I was in high school, with very slow internet, and thinking, "Who the hell is Hugh Jackman?". This was after reading the intial report of who was chosen to play Wolverine. Of course, due to lack of films, I was always thinking pro-wrestler types should be cast as they had the look. I was young so don't pass judgement. Here we are over a decade later, and now think, "Thank god for Hugh Jackman".

He may be the only one to "go red", but Ron Perlman has been a perfect fit for the role of Hellboy, even though not a reader, his performance made me appreciate the character. It will be hard to see someone else play the role, but at 65 years old, Perlman won't be able to lift that right hand forever.

There are still those who may never think that Christopher Reeve can be replaced. I understand, however, Henry Cavill is my pick. He's portrayed the character very well in "Man Of Steel", with both acting ability and dedication to his physical appearance. And I am looking forward to seeing him reprise the role again, and again.

The Punisher
Dolph Lundgren gave the dark, grittier version, Thomas Jane had the budget, but Ray Stevenson is my choice thus far of those to play The Punisher. He may have had the lower budget and weaker script, Stevenson had the look and capabilities to make things work better than the rest. But, there will likely be a new Punisher, so this choice could always change. Or not.

The Joker
It is really hard to pick just one. Cesar introduced me to The Joker, Jack captivated me as a child, and Heath did the same but with me as an adult. Will go with Heath, as he did give me a rendition similar to The Joker seen in the graphic novel "Joker". Can't wait to see how Jared Leto portrays the character in "Suicide Squad".

Not so much the version Ryan Reynolds gave us in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", although Reynolds did perform well pre-Weapon XI, it was what was shown in the small test footage that leaked online awhile back. And even though it is in production mode at the moment, I am thinking this will be on the list in the future anyhow.

Green Arrow
Sure, he hasn't quite "achieved" that title, but Stephen Amell has not only made me like the character, but has earned respect for what he has done with the character. If not for the success of "Arrow" their wouldn't be a "tv-verse" growing on the small screen. As well as possibly helping other networks "green light" the comic book shows they have produced since "Arrow" debuted.

There are others that could easily make the list. Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Evans as Captain America, Tom Hiddleston as Loki, the list could go on really. But, these were the characters I enjoyed the most thus far. Always hopeful that future films and performances will alter this list of course. Looking at you, Affleck and Leto.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015


With the movieverse (for DC Comics, as well as with Marvel), we focused slightly more on who has and is scheduled to appear on the big screen. Unlike with the movieverse, where everything is really still in the infancy stage, the "tv-verse" is new, but much more evolved and bigger. At the present time, there are 2 different worlds on television ("Arrow/The Flash" and "Gotham", with a possible third in production (Supergirl). We will be focusing on the bigger "Arrow/The Flash".

Although some fans and actors/actresses wanted "Arrow" and "The Flash" to be a part of the movieverse, it isn't how things turned out. That doesn't mean it will never happen, given that all these shows and movies are viewed by some as "multiverses", and comic book fans know that worlds can collide, and cross-overs can happen. But, even if it never happens, the tv-verse is strong enough to go it alone, and also has just as much room (if not more) to grow their ranks.

Aquaman is set to make his big screen debut via Jason Momoa, but for some, he still requires redemption on the small screen. It wasn't that his appearance within the "Smallville" tv-verse was horrible, but it wasn't near the standard set by not only fans, but the pages of the comic books.
Superman/Batman/Wonder Woman
Of all of the characters, these may be the hardest to procure the rights to or the allowance to have them appear in this tv-verse. It would help solidify things though having one of DC Comics "Big 3" make an appearance.

Martian Manhunter
Have yet to hear any reference to the character for the movieverse, so Mars last survivor may be available to shape-shift his way into the mix of things. Although it would be nice to see more of the alien form than the human this time around.

If the story in DC Comics movieverse is focusing on assembling the Justice League, perhaps the tv-verse could focus on bringing together the members of the Justice Society.

Hawkman and/or Hawkgirl
We saw Hawkman swoop into battle in the "Smallville" tv-verse, perhaps this time around we see Hawkgirl cracking skulls. Or better yet, both of them battling side-by-side. If anything, it would supply the season ending "death" for one or all of the shows.

Green Lantern (Alan Scott)
While Green Lantern fans await a member of the Corps to appear on the silver screen, perhaps the small screen could set the stage for the original (Golden Age) Green Lantern, Alan Scott.

A Top Villain
Yes, there has obviously been some of the top baddies within this tv-verse, but who among them is powerful enough to require all of the heroes (or a large group of them) to come together and fight them. Darkseid is the most obvious answer, but he might be in "protection mode" as DC Comics builds their movie-verse, with him being likely the one to require the Justice League to take him down. So, perhaps someone like Brainiac, Anti-Monitor or even maybe the Secret Society for this tv-verse.

There are of course an almost endless list of characters that "should" appear on any and all of the shows. Which at the moment may be "Arrow" and "The Flash", but there is also another spin-off in the works, so this universe is only going to get bigger. Leaving the only questions less as to whom will appear, but simply how they will be involved in this tv-verse.
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Thursday, April 16, 2015


Of course, the X-Men movieverse wouldn't be complete without the bad guys/girls, antiheroes, and instigators. While the first installment focused on the good (which you can find HERE), this is focusing on the bad. Here is a list of the villains and instigators that have appeared so far within the X-Men movies...

Deadpool/Weapon XI/Wade Wilson
(Ryan Reynolds)
Although we initially saw him in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", Ryan Reynolds is in process of bringing Deadpool back to the big screen. Now, it has been stated that this is totally different than what we saw before. And so far through the videos and pictures, it would appear so. Only question is whether or not it is still within the same movieverse.

Magneto/Erik Lehnsherr
(Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender)
Is there a role McKellen hasn't dominated? He has seemingly passed the torch to Michael Fassbender, and Michael has run with it impressively thus far.

Mystique/Raven Darkholme
(Rebecca Romijn and Jennifer Lawrence)
Rebecca added the sex appeal and showed us she had some depth as an actress. Jennifer Lawrence simply solidified what many had already known. And has taken the proverbial torch amazingly well.

Emma Frost
(January Jones)
Unless the comic book rule on death comes into play, the White Queen's days in this movieverse are done, as Frost was one of the mutants apparently killed by Boliver Trask.

Sebastian Shaw
(Kevin Bacon)
In this movieverse he is on of the original children of the atom  (mutants), and had survived decades until meeting his end, and being "replaced" by revenging Magneto as top dog of the Hellfire Club, now known as The Brotherhood.

(Jason Flemyng)
In comic books you mix Azazel and Mystique, and you get a baby Nightcrawler. In this movieverse, that isn't likely the case given the teleporter's apparent demise alongside some other members of The Brotherhood.

Pyro/John Allderdyce
(Aaron Stanford)
He made for a perfect counter to the character of Ice Man (Bobby Drake). Upbringing, personalities, even powers. Of course we saw that Pyro should've considered staying in school, but what is truly unclear is his future. Did Phoenix kill him? Did "X-Men: Days Of Future Past" change anything?

Juggernaut/Cain Marko
(Vinnie Jones)
Although they didn't include that he is Xavier's cousin, Juggernaut smashed his way into this movieverse none the less. His only apparent weakness was Shadow Cat and Leech. And like many, his future is a mystery for now.

The Blob/Fred J. Dukes
(Kevin Durand)
We know Fred is The Blob, but don't call him that. He doesn't like it. Hopefully the events of "X-Men: Days Of Future Past" changed his history, otherwise he met his end via Sabertooth.

Bolt/Chris Braldey
(Dominic Monaghan)
Again, "X-Men: Days Of Future Past" may have changed his status in the movieverse, but if not, and he also met his end via Sabertooth, then at least it gave us Deadpool.

Sabertooth/Victor Creed
(Tyler Mane and Liev Schreiber)
Tyler Mane's version hopefully disappeared from this movieverse no matter how (DOFP?), it would be nice to see Liev Schreiber's version (or something similar) if we ever see Wolverine's brother from a different mother.

Agent Zero/David North
(Daniel Henney)
His confidence was apt, and even if you didn't care for Agent Zero, you had to like how Wolverine takes him out in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine".

Lady Deathstrike/Yuriko Oyama
(Kelly Hu)
Although they didn't dive into their history, the adamantium showdown was nice to see. Add Lady Deathstrike to the long list of those who's future is in mystery mode despite her liquid adamantium infused ending.

Toad/Mortimer Toynbee
(Ray Park and Evan Jonigkeit)
Ray Park gave us a more physically involved rendition, and Jonigkeit showed us a younger, grittier version. After his shocking exit in the initial "X-Men", his future was never clarified, and now would possibly mean is still alive and well.

(Dania Ramirez)
Instead of leading The Morlocks (like in the comics), she was apart of a small group (Omegas) who joined Magneto's Brotherhood. And Callisto was an integral part of Mag's locating Phoenix. Her future is also up in the air, otherwise it was a shocker a la Storm and a fence.

Kid Omega/Quentin Quire
(Ken Leung)
Due to a typo, many thought this character to be Quill. However, Ken Leung was portraying Kid Omega, of the Omegas, before becoming a member of the Brotherhood in "X-Men III: The Last Stand".

Arclight/Philippa Sontag
(Omahyra Mota)
Arclight was one of the "Omegas" who joined Magneto's Brotherhood, before meeting her untimly end courtesy of Phoenix in "X-Men: The Last Stand". Although, future is unknown. Like many others.

Phat/William Robert Reilly
(Val Saleaumua/Richard Yee)
Why two actors for the same role? Well if asking, then you likely forgot that Phat could change his body mass, and that they chose to show us this via a large actor morphing into a smaller actor.

Spike/Darian Elliot
(Lance Gibson)
Spike helped make for a decent fight scene with Wolverine in "X-Men: The Last Stand". Whether or not his death remains, will of course be a mystery for now.

Ink/Erik Gitter
(Greg Lowe)
We only got a taste of Ink's mutant power in "X-Men: Days Of Futrue Past" where his tattoo's somehow effect others based on what they are. But, he is one of the few who's future is that there is one (for now).

Glob Herman/Robert Herman
(Clayton Dean Watmough)
He was a member of Magneto's Brotherhood in "X-Men: The Last Stand", he had lost his powers due to the "cure", but we all know that was temporary. His status in the mix of things, of course, is unknown.

Angel Salvadore
(Zoe Kravitz)
She was part of the initial crew Xavier and Magneto recruited. She fly into being bad, and spit on being good. Unfortunately, it would appear her status amongst this movieverse is "deceased". Unless the comic book rule comes into play of course.

Riptide/Janos Quested
(Alex Gonalez)
Riptide was a member of Sebastian Shaw's Hellfire Club, and like the rest of the team, joined Magneto to form the Brotherhood. However, unlike many others from the Brotherhood, Riptide's status within this movieverse is unknown. Or he at least wasn't scene or referenced as being dead.

(Rila Fukushima)
From enemy to possibly apprentice. That would appear to be Yukio's mark in this movievese, her relationship with Wolverine. Is she alive? Dead? Dunno.

Viper/Dr. Green
(Svetlana Khodchenkova)
She was a mutant in disguise so to speak. However, given her death, she might be hoping for the comic rule or the events of "Days Of Future Past" to save her.

Kenuichio Harada
(Will Yun Lee)
His loyalty was unwavering, except by his level of honor. Which saw him protecting Silver Samurai from Wolverine, to fighting him alongside Wolvie. He also made an appearance of sorts amongst Stryker's files in "X-2: X-Men United". Like many his status is up in the air. If unchanged, he of course is deceased.

Col. William Stryker
(Brian Cox, Danny Huston, Don Creech, and Josh Helman)
We've seen Stryker in different eras throughout this movieverse. Which of course were done by different actors each time. Regardless, William Stryker is a prominent character within this giant story.

Mastermind/Mutant 143/Jason Stryker
(Michael Reid Mckay)
Although never referred to as Mastermind, that is who Jason Stryker was. Now, courtesy of "X-Men: Days Of Future Past", we are even unsure if his father will experiment on him, or enforce William Stryker's desire to do so.

Sen. Robert Kelly
(Bruce Davison)
He went from leading the charge in at least identifying mutants, to actually becoming one thanks to Magneto. "Days Of Future Past" may have altered all of this, but if not, "X-Men" showed that the senator couldn't control his powers and died.

Boliver Trask
(Bill Duke and Peter Dinklage)
Duke was obviously forgettable, Dinklage of course was memorable. Boliver Trask brought us and this movieverse, Sentinels. He also has the rare case of having been dead, and showing us the effects of time travel in changing his status to; Alive. For now at least.

Apocalypse/En Sabah Nur
(Brendan Pedder and Oscar Isaac)
Apocalypse to the X-Men movieverse, is what Thanos is to the Avengers movieverse. Hopefully, "X-Men: Apocalypse" gives us an epic story, but an even more awesome Apocalypse.

 "X-Men: Apocalypse" is still in casting mode, but there are some new editions, replacements, and of course, the rumored. Only the "rumored" were left off of the list, but everyone else is in there. Even though they haven't filmed anything yet, and it is Hollywood, and there could be changes at anytime in the process. One of the heavier rumors has Channing Tatum playing the role of Remy Lebeau aka Gambit. We stated the characters that even appeared as background characters (Doug Ramsey, etc) and the younger versions of characters, as this could be the only time we get to see them. Even the recently cast Jubilee has appeared two other times before, by two different performers. If Lana Kondor drops out or is a victim of editing in "X-Men: Apocalypse", then Jubilee's "history" in film falls on the previous two. If any of this makes sense.

Bottom line, this movieverse is quite large character wise, and still has many, many characters that have yet to see the life on the big screen (Cable, Stryfe, etc, etc). It isn't as big as Marvel Studios "Avengers" movieverse, but it is much bigger than DC Comics. It explains why FOX won't let go, and Marvel Studios is dying to get the movie rights for "X-Men" universe. It's massive all in itself, and contains some of Marvel Comics biggest money makers (Wolverine, Deadpool, etc).

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We'll be seeing a couple of mutants in "The Avengers: Age Of Ultron" (Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch), a film brought to us by Marvel Studios, however the movie rights for the X-Men Universe belong to FOX Entertainment. Although it would appear that a deal of sorts was worked out, but with less hype than SONY and Spider-Man joining the party. Or a loop hole was found. Regardless, FOX is "in charge" of the mutants, which would explain the slight mess of things. Just how much did "X-Men: Days Of Future Past"  alter the movieverse that we already knew of? The events of D.O.F.P. did take place both before and after "X-Men I-III". Will the next installment, "X-Men: Apocalypse" straighten things out and give us a "set in stone" movieverse? Or will it add to the slight confusion?

It isn't meant to be a knock on the franchise, as it is quite enjoyable, it is just an opinion from a slightly confused fan. Now back to the point of this, who is and who is set to appear within this movieverse? Here's a list of those people. Now again, with the events of "X-Men: Days Of Future Past" can't exactly state who is still apart of this world, and who has disappeared, or changed, or come back to life, etc with a couple of exceptions (unless they incorporate the comic book rule of "No Death Is Final"). But, here they are...

Professor X/Prof. Charles Xavier
(Patrick Stewart and James McAvoy)
Stewart was the fan fav to play the role the moment we saw him as Captain Picard on "Star Trek: The Next Generation", and he proved why when he rolled into the roll...McAvoy has been doing just as well bringing us a younger Professor X.

Cyclops/Scott Summers
(James Marsden, Tom Pocock, and Ty Sheridan)
Pocock was a younger Scott in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", but the standard was set by Marsden. It will be interesting to see how Ty Sheridan approaches the character. Who happens to be one of the originals, so no pressure.

Jean Grey/Phoenix
(Famke Janssen and Sophie Turner)
Famke showed us the various sides of Jean Grey. From her relationship with Cyclops and attraction with Wolverine, her soft side, her willingness to sacrifice herself, etc. And of course the power she attempted to contain, in The Phoenix (Dark Phoenix to comic book fans). Where Sophie Turner takes the original female of the X-Men Universe, will soon be seen.

Ice Man/Bobby Drake
(Shawn Ashmore)
Haven't seen anything about him returning for "X-Men: Apocalypse", but Shawn Ashmore grew both himself as an actor and the character of Ice Man through the previous installments. It will be hard to replace him, also given he isn't in the same age bracket as other characters being given new actors and actresses.

Beast/Dr. Hank McCoy
(Kelsey Grammer and Nicolas Hoult)
Grammer gave us a great first taste of the character, Beast. Showing the sophisticated, confident mutant genius that he is. Hoult has done superb showing us the young mutant genius, still at war with the beast within. And will be great to see how evolves the character in "X-Men: Apocalypse".

Angel/Archangel/Warren Worthington III
(Ben Foster and Ben Hardy)
Foster showed us a young man, almost giving into his fathers wishes and "removing" is mutant gift, before flying out of there, and eventually looking to join Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters. With some sketch designs that may or may not be legitimate floating around the internet, it would appear Ben Hardy will be bringing us a darker, Angel. Given the title, it may be safe to say, Archangel.

Wolverine/Weapon X/Logan/James Howlett
(Hugh Jackman)
Jackman is the crowning jewel of this franchise. Both as the massive growth he has shown as an actor since debuting via this role, and as one of (if not the) Marvel Comics top money makers. Similar to Robert Downey Jr in Marvel Studios "Avengers" movieverse, there are constant rumors about whether or not we have seen the last of Jackman in the role of Wolverine.

Silver Fox/Kayla Silverfox
(Lynn Collins)
Unless the events of "X-Men: Days Of Future Past" altered her history or they apply the rule from comic books (no death is final), we won't be seeing Silver Fox again. Even if she did appear though, would Wolverine even remember her? Or did all of that change as well?

Emma Silverfox
(Tahnya Tozzi)
She was Silver Fox's sister in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", and although many thought she was Emma Frost, given the name and diamond form ability, it was confirmed that she was not. She had more screen time than most, even if she may just be a movie character and not a comic book one.

Mariko Yashida
(Tao Okamoto)
Given Wolverine's role in "X-Men: Days Of Future Past", his romance with Mariko will live on forever, as it does in comics. Even if the memories possibly only exists in his head.

(Anna Paquin)
Compared to the comic books, she was slightly the Jubilee of this movieverse given her relationship with Wolverine. However, Anna Paquin did wonderfully  showing  us Rogue's constant struggle with her mutant abilities. Even her choice to temporarily remove them (that "serum" showed to be only a short term as we saw with Magneto). Whether we see her again, remains to be seen though.

Gambit/Remy Lebeau
(Taylor Kitsch)
Kitsch gave us a small sample of the character who is Gambit. He didn't do horribly, but his part was too small to realy do anything. Rumors are abundant that Channing Tatum will be stepping into the role for "X-Men: Apocalypse". Given his star power, that could mean more screen time for the Cajun.

Colossus/Piotr "Peter" Rasputin
(Donald MacKinnon and Daniel Cudmore)
He's come a long way since simply helping fellow students escape an invaded mansion. Not leaps and bounds, but at least became a bigger part of the action.

Shadow Cat/Katherine "Kitty" Pryde
(Sumela Key, Katie Stuart, and Ellen Page)
The "Kitty" everyone will remember from this franchise will be Ellen Page. Understandably, given Ellen had more relevant screen time. Whether or not we will see Page as Shadow Cat again or if a new face will fill the role will remain to be seen for now.

(Omar Sy)
With the events of "X-Men: Days Of Future Past" definitely altering the future, it will be interesting to see when and if Bishop appears within this movieverse again. He he does, preferably as how he debuted in comics, and that is to seek the traitor amongst the X-Men.

Banshee/Sean Cassidy
(Caleb Landry Jones)
Not completely sure just how much has changed, and exactly how far back in time the effects will go. But, at the present  moment, it would appear Banshee's only appearance came via "X-Men: First Class".

Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
(Alan Cumming and Kodi Smit-McPhee)
We only got to see Nightcrawler in "X-2: X-Men United" via Alan Cumming. However, we are set to see Kodi Smit-McPhee bring the acrobatic, teleporting mutant to life in "X-Men: Apocalypse" BAMF!

Storm/Ororo Munroe
(Halle Berry and Alexandra Shipp)
It looks Alexandra Shipp will be taking over the roll of Storm. Halle Berry made the role her own, fairing not too bad at all. We'll have to see if Shipp compares in "X-Men: Apocalypse".

Havok/Alex Summers
(Lucas Till)
So far, out opportunity to see the Summers Brothers together may have come and gone. Unless they bring Lucas Till (or another actor) back into the mix of things, it may be gone. Which would've made a perfect moment, but also opened the door for Mr. Sinister to appear.

Darwin/Armando Munez
(Edi Gathegi)
Unless he becomes the movie version of comic books "no death is final" rule, Darwin fell short of his mutant name.

Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
(Evan Peters)
Marvel will be giving us their rendition of Quicksilver via Aaron Taylor-Johnson, but Even Peters sped into movies first, and more importantly, into this movieverse aka current cinematic home of the X-Men. Peters will also reprise the role in "X-Men: Apocalypse".

Multiple Man/Jamie Madrox
(Eric Dane)
He might have appeared as a bad guy thus far, but to most comic book fans he will a hero. And if he ever appears within this movieverse, who's to say that he won't.

Psylocke/Elizabeth Braddock
(Meiling Meloncon and Olivia Munn)
Olivia Munn was recently cast to play the purple haired telepath in "X-Men: Apocalypse". Who also happens to be a martial arts master. It will be fun to see this role finally come to life (fully) with hopefully psy-blades in hand.

Jubilee/Jubilation Lee
(Katrina Florece, Key Wong, and Lana Kondor)
Another recent casting sees Lana Kondor slated to bring Jubilee into the mix of things. With the possible changes to continuity (we all know why by now), will we see Jubilee having a bond of sorts with Wolverine in place of Rogue?

(Shauna Kane)
It was a very small role, but everyone knew who she was based on her deafening sonic scream. Siryn is/was apart of this movieverse. With her father likely out of the picture now, maybe she will come to the forefront.

Blink/Claire Ferguson
(Fan Bingbing)
Blink was a character who almost needed live action film (and CGI) to truly show her powers to fans. Where in comic books it was a simple "blink" and the victim would be "cut up" and "teleported". Looked much better on the big screen than in print.

Sunspot/Roberto Da Costa
(Adan Canto)
His appearances haven't been  great for the character. First as only a name on a list in "X-2: X-Men United". And then during his full appearance in "X-Men: Days Of Future Past" he's part of the team fighting Sentinels and mainly being on the losing end. However, with the events of that film, Sunspot is available to appear again if needed.

Warpath/James Proudstar
(Booboo Stewart)
Booboo might agree, "It's better than Twilight". Well, we will all agree for him.

Danielle Moonstar
Apparently, she was one of the forms taken by Mastermind, and was confirmed to be Danielle Moonstar.

Doug Ramsey
(Layke Anderson)
Like with Moonstar, this was apparently one of the forms taken by Mastermind while manipulating Xaviers thoughts.

(Cameron Bright)
Although hated by mutants like Magneto, due to the serum created to suppress powers were developed from his powers. However, Cameron Bright showed us an innocent boy sheltered from world just looking to be accepted.

Kestrel/John Wraith
(Will.I. Am)
Although the film didn't receive great reviews, it would appear that recording artist Will. I. Am gave us an almost straight from the comics version of Kestrel.

Moira MacTaggart
(Elizabeth Hurley and Rose Byrne)
Hurley had a small post credits appearance which told us Moira was in this movieverse, but Rose Byrne has taken the reigns in all of the characters full appearances, which will include "X-Men: Apocalypse".

Given the size of this movieverse, we'll make it a two-part article. With what you just read focusing more on the "good guys" from the X-Men movieverse, the next installment will focus on the "bad guys". Click HERE to see who they are!

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Sunday, April 12, 2015


While the first and second phases mainly focused on the heroes and goodie goods, "Phase 3" will center around the villains, bad guys, and those who walk the fine line of good and bad. And those characters are...

Abomination/Emil Blonsky
(Tim Roth)
Roth did well giving us a badass bad guy to go toe-to-toe with Hulk. Like everything else, whether or not we will see more of him is the question.

Obadiah Stane
(Jeff Bridges)
With a less is more approach, Bridges gave us a pretty solid intial villain for Iron Man.

Ivan Vanko
(Mickey Rourke)
A combination of two comic book villains (Whiplpash and Crimson Dynamo), Rourke gave us a darker, grittier villain for Iron Man to battle.

Justin Hammer
(Sam Rockwell)
Although more of a "the money behind the villain" villain, Sam Rockwell was able to give us all a bad case of Hammer-oids.

Trevor Slattery/"fake" Mandarin
(Sir Ben Kingsley)
If Trevor Slattery was just a fall guy of sorts for the real Mandarin, it makes you wonder just who will be the real deal, if Sir Kingsley played the puppet.

(Tom Hiddleston)
RDJ is the crowning jewel, but that is of the cast of heroes. Hiddleston is in some opinions, the crowning jewel of the franchise. With Tom making bad guy Loki into a fan favorite, it is hard to argue.

(Colm Feore)
Ruler of the Frost Giants, and biological father of Loki. Who subsequently killed him. Talk about daddy issues.

(Christopher Eccleston)
He wasn't in good shape when we last saw him, but Malekith The Accursed could rreturn one day to be a thorn in Thor's side.

(Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje)
We likely won't be seeing Algrim again, unless one can survive being sucked into a black hole. Regardless, he looked pretty bad ass blocking Mjolnir.

Red Skull/Johann Schmidt
(Hugo Weaving)
Although Red Skull is a Nazi by origin, he went his own way of villainy, and Hugo Weaving had us saying; "Hail Hydra!". Hopefully we will see more of him in future films.

Dr. Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker
(Thomas Kretschmann)
We will be seeing more the "mad" doctor, who is also one of the leaders of H.Y.D.R.A., in future films in this movieverse.

Ronan The Accuser
(Lee Pace)
He may have lost the "dance off" with Star-Lord, thus ending his life, but Ronan The Accuser looked pretty awesome up until that point.

Yondu Udonta
(Michael Rooker)
Yondu is in that grey area of not a good guy, but not a bad guy either. Luckily, that is pretty much Michael Rooker's wheelhouse.

(Karen Gillian)
Hopefully haven't seen the last of Nebula. With her unique daddy issues (hates him, yet strives to earn his respect), could we see her when daddy Thanos makes his full appearance, hopefully if not sooner.

(Djimon Hounsou)
Thanks to Drax The Destroyer, we have likely seen the last of Korath. Unless cinema takes from comic books, and deaths are not final.

The Collector/Taneleer Tivan
(Benicio del Toro)
So far his small appearances have us intrigued, with both del Toro's performance, and what The Collector has been collecting. Those Infinity Stones will look amazing on a nice gauntlet.

(James Spader)
We will soon see how James Spader fared as the villainous Ultron in under a month. Previews thus far say that he did very well.

(Josh Brolin)
Only a small cameo, and we are all waiting for Thanos to enter the picture. Brolin has been in a resurgence of sorts, so the performance should be good. The Infinity Gauntlet also adds to the anticipation.

Might have missed some, but purposely left out some of the "bit" part characters like Kat Denning's "Thor" character Darcy Lewis and some members of S.H.I.E.L.D. as they might add to the films in their own way, play a more minimal of roles within them. And of course there is also those on televisions "Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D." as despite the connection to the movieverse, they are a list all their own. And we didn't forget Lou Ferrigno, who has made small appearances, but also voiced Hulk in "The Incredible Hulk" and was mixed with Ruffalo's voice for "The Avengers".

Click the following links for Phase 1 Phase 2

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As you've seen so far, in regards to movieverses, Marvel is worlds beyond where DC Comics is currently. And it is continuously growing with future installments of Captain America, Thor, amongst others (both returning and debuting). Here is "Phase 2" of the Marvel movieverse...

Hawkeye/Clint Barton
(Jeremy Renner)
Although not quite a leading character (given the lack of solo film), Renner has fit perfectly into the role of Hawkeye. Even adding some depth to the relationship between Hawkeye and Black Widow.

Falon/Sam Wilson
(Anthony Mackie)
Anthony Mackie swooped into "Captain America: Winter Soldier", and fared quite well. Hopefully Falcon won't get lost in this sea of characters.

Nick Fury
(Samuel L. Jackson)
Even with S.H.I.E.L.D. in disarray after the events in "Captain America: Winter Soldier", the sub story of how Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury brings it all back together will be interesting to see.

Phil Coulson
(Clark Gregg)
Even though his role appeared small, Clark Gregg made everyone give a damn about Phil Coulson. All while joining the "Phase One" films together, and making us ask WTF when he was killed by Loki. We cared so much so, that nobody really cared how they explained his return to the living on televisions "Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Maria Hill
(Cobie Smulders)
It took some time, but Cobie Smulders finally has most (some) fans seeing her as a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. or at least Maria Hill and not Robin Scherbatsky.

Peggy Carter
(Heyley Atwell)
Regardless of what era or format we are seeing Peggy Carter, Heyley Atwell has been adding a strong sense of continuity playing the character as both a young soldier and as a retired "older" woman.

Howard Stark
(Dominick Cooper)
Tony Stark is Tony Stark, but it isn't hard to see that his father Howard was the blueprint from which Tony evolved. Although Howard passes at some point, his inclusion in the early years (WWII) only added to the overall story.

Agent 13/Sharon Carter
(Emily VanCamp)
Agent 13 aka Sharon Carter represents the two generations that Captain America joins together in a sense. Being his former "almost flame" Peggy Carter's daughter.

Star-Lord/Peter Quill
(Chris Pratt)
Chris Pratt met, and exceeded expectations with the role of Star-Lord. We laughed, we cried, we cheered, and laughed some more. How Star-Lord and the rest of The Guardians Of The Galaxy play into the thick of things, will be delightfully interesting to see.

(Zoe Saldana)
Gamora as a character had many layers given her roots, and involvement with the rest of The Guardians Of The Galaxy. And Zoe Saldana performed very well in showing us all of those layers.

Drax The Destroyer
(Dave Bautista)
To WWE fans, he is known as "The Animal" Batista. But, no matter what you call him, when he's in make-up and carrying a blade he is Drax The Destroyer. Dave delivered with his overly serious character.

(Vin Diesel-voice and motion capture)
Using only three words, Vin Diesel was able to capture hearts as the living plant, Groot. Also providing the perfect straight man for Bradley Cooper's Rocket.

(Bradley Cooper)
Bradley Cooper helped make a walking, talking, CGI'd Sure the character worked in the comic books, but shouldn't have translated as well as it did on film. And it did very well.

Corpsman Rhomann Dey
(John C. Reilly)
John C. Reilly added a perfect level of humor to his smaller supporting role as Rhomann. and would be welcomed back for the next "Guardians Of The Galaxy" installment, if need be.

Nova Prime Irani Rael
(Glenn Close)
Given her stellar resume, Glenn Close as Irani Rael needed to be mentioned. And given her solid delivery, her involvement would also be welcomed to return.

Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
(Aaron Taylor-Johnson)
X-Men fans will be tuning in to see how Aaron Taylor-Johnson does as Quicksilver, both to see how well he does, and to immediately compare it to Evan Peters rendition in FOX's "X-Men" franchise.

Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
(Elizabeth Olsen)
More so than anyone else, Scarlet Witch, joined the X-Men and Avengers worlds together in the comic books. Given that she is a mutant, and a member of The Avengers alum. Another character X-Men fans may be keeping a close eye on.

General Thunderbolt Ross
(William Hurt)
Much like his daughter, Betty, where and if General Ross will appear next is a small mystery. Perhaps more so than Betty, Thunderbolt should appear given his military involvement.

Click the following links for Phase 1  Phase 3

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Unlike with the DC Comics movieverse, Marvel's is quite large, and growing. It all began with "Iron Man" and "Hulk" back in 2008, and has grown from there with everything centering around "The Avengers" installments or at least setting the stage for what happens there. The success of these films have opened the doors for other Marvel characters coming to life on the big screen. And with Marvel having reacquired the rights for basically everyone from their catalog (no X-Men yet, but they have a deal with SONY to use Spider-Man), we should expect to see more and more being added to this movieverse. Although some are only voice and motion captured performances (Groot, Thanos, etc), they have thus far met and surpassed expectations.

Since the list has grown so much since "Phase One", we'll make this a multi-phase situation. Here is Phase One of whom exist within Marvel's movieverse...

Iron Man/Tony Stark
(Robert Downey Jr.)
Similar to Hugh Jackman and Wolverine, RDJ and Iron Man/Tony Stark are the crowning jewel amongst a star studded line-up. And like Jackman, this causes the rumors of when will we see the last of Downey Jr. as Iron Man.

Virginia "Pepper" Pots
(Gwyneth Paltrow)
Pepper (Gwyneth) has added some depth to the character of Tony Stark, showing that he isn't just a billionaire playboy in an iron suit.

Iron Patriot/War Machine/James "Rhody" Rhodes
(Don Cheadle previously Terrence Howard)
An acting change that worked out for the better. Will be nice to see Rhodey apart of the cast in "The Avengers 2: Age Of Ultron".

(voiced by Paul Bettany)
Going from a voice of helpfulness, to a full blown android. It will be nice to see Paul Bettany upgrade from one to the other.

Happy Hogan
(John Favreau)
Happy was going to be left out, given the size of his role. But, having been in all three, and shows us that Tony Stark does have a human side given their friendship (although also an employee/employer relationship).

Hulk/Bruce Banner
(Mark Ruffalo previously Edward Norton)
Would be interesting to see how Norton honestly feels about walking away from the role. Fans were more than okay as Ruffalo seems to be a better fit. But, given the success of "The Avengers" and the likely boosted contract for Ruffalo, it would be interesting to see how he felt.

Betty Ross
(Liv Tyler)
Given that Hulk will likely only be making his appearance in "The Avengers" installments, where does Betty Ross fit into all of this? It would be nice to see Liv Tyler and Mark Ruffalo appear together, if only to connect "The Incredible Hulk" past the post-credit scene.

(Chris Hemsworth)
Similar to RDJ and Tony Stark, was there a better choice to play Thor than Chris Hemsworth? He has truly shown growth within this character, which he had little previous experience. No worries about changing to a female Thor here, as his hair is something women envy.

Dr. Jane Foster
(Natalie Portman)
With the choice of director (Eric Branagh) being what drew her to the role in "Thor" it has been nice to see Portman continue on with the character. A pretty good choice to be what/who connects Thor with Earth.

(Sir Anthony Hopkins)
Hemsworth may be thriving in the role of Thor, simply because of who he has been lucky enough to work with. It isn't Anthony Hopkins, it is Sir Anthony Hopkins. Who has taken a supporting role and made it as valuable as a lead.

(Rene Russo)
To be the mother of Thor, and wife of Odin one must be both soft and strong. Basically, Rene Russo's "wheelhouse". A welcomed edition to the movieverse.

(Ray Stevenson)
Ray Stevenson is a true chameleon, and is always able to immerse himself in his roles. Volstagg was no exception. And is always welcome to battle alongside Thor any day. If he can step away from a meal to do so.

(Tadanobu Asano)
A member of "The Warriors Three" Hogun, along with his brethren (and Sif) add another dimension to the character that is Thor.

(Joshua Dallas)
Fandral adds a touch of sophistication to the group, "The Warriors Three". Joshua Dallas has been doing well protecting Asgard, fighting alongside Thor.

(Jaimie Alexander)
Of course to show that not only can ladies do what men do, they often can do it more efficiently. Jaimie Alexander has done well with the role so far, and could likely do more in future Thor films.

(Idris Elba)
There were apparently some issues over the changing of the characters skin color, but if there were any doubters after seeing Idris Elba portray Heimdall, they will always be a lost cause and should not be worried about.

Captain America/Steve Rogers
(Chris Evans)
At first it was hard to believe that the Human Torch was going to be Captain America. Although different companies, different movies, it was difficult to digest. That was until "Captain America: The First Avenger" debuted. Chris Evans has made us forget about the past, and eager to see the future.

Bucky/Winter Soldier/Sgt. James Barnes
(Sebastian Stan)
It was almost expected to see Bucky become Winter Soldier given he "dies" in "Captain America: The First Avenger". But, expectations were matched and slightly surpassed by Sebastian in "Captain America: Winter Soldier". Will always be a good guy to us.

Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
(Scarlett Johansson)
Even if you didn't like Scarlett before, it is hard to argue she hasn't exceeded expectations for her role as Black Widow. Acting yes, as it is what she does. The fight scenes involving her? Did not expect that, and love when she unloads on people.

Click the following links for Phase 2 Phase 3

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Saturday, April 11, 2015


Not much is really known about new DC Comics "movieverse" other than what we gathered from "Man Of Steel" back in 2013. We do know the projected film schedule, and what movies they plan to release. With films like "The Flash", "Suicide Squad" (currently being filmed), amongst others set to begin the filming process. But, things could change depending on how things go. We didn't get any real pictures or footage from the shooting of "Batman VS Superman: Dawn Of Justice", leaving the upcoming trailer to appease fans appetites. Other than studio released promotional shots, not much has been seen. The trailer will likely give us a hint at what we can expect.

The only thing we do know for sure is who is a part of the movieverse right now. We're still in the initial "phase" of things, but the cast of characters within this movieverse has grown a lot since "Man Of Steel". And will only get bigger, and could possibly change here and there as this massive plan goes on. There has even been a change where Tom Hardy was signed on to play Rick Flag in "Suicide Squad" but a scheduling conflict saw him drop out of the role. But, here is who we have for sure, at this point in time...

Superman/Kal El/Clark Kent
(Henry Cavill)
Henry Cavill will be returning for "Batman VS Superman: Dawn Of Justice". And it is somewhat fitting that "Man Of Steel" was the first installment in this movieverse. As it was Superman who launched the superhero genre in comic books. Hopefully the Reeves fans will finally embrace him.

Batman/Bruce Wayne
(Ben Affleck)
There hasn't been a casting choice, and likely won't again, in this movieverse that garnered such negativity. Hopefully Ben Affleck as Batman or Batfleck as he's been dubbed, not only delivers in this role, but causes the haters to jump on the Batwagon after all is said and done.

Wonder Woman/Princess Diana
(Gal Gadot)
While the net was ripping apart Bafleck based on past movies (Daredevil notably), Gal Gadot has been receiving negativity based on appearance alone. Which is sad. More so than Batfleck, here is hoping Gadot crushes her haters with an epic performance as Wonder Woman.

Aquaman/Arthur Curry
(Jason Momoa)
From the promotional photo, Momoa looks badass. Which is something Aquaman fans have been saying about Arthur Curry for years. Big screen, CGI effects, hopefully a great script, and the nay sayers may eat their words...with a trident.

Cyborg/Victor Stone
(Ray Fisher)
Not much is known about Fisher, with his acting resume being only stage performances. "Batman VS Superman: Dawn Of Justice" will be his big screen debut. And is expected to continue to portray Cyborg both in Justice League and solo films in the future. No worries though. Studio had to have seen something in him. Plus with the all-star cast he can only get better, and better.

Lois Lane
(Amy Adams)
With the exception of DC Comics "New 52" imprint/continuity, there almost can't be Superman without Lois Lane. Amy Adams returns to the character she played in "Man Of Steel". Hard not to wonder how Wonder Woman being added to the mix will affect Clark and Lois' relationship.

Martha Kent
(Diane Lane)
What was said about Lois, can almost be said for Martha Kent. Superman's one true attachment to earth is his mother (adoptive, but mother none the less). With more of a Justice League aspect to things, it will be interesting to see where Diane Lane fits into the thick of things.

Perry White
(Laurence Fishburne)
"Great Cesar's ghost!" Perry White and of course, The Daily Planet will be returning. Legendary Laurence Fishburne will once again lead the bullpen in "Batman VS Superman: Dawn Of Justice".

Alfred Pennyworth
(Jeremy Irons)
Alfred is Batman's Lois Lane in a sense, as you almost can't have Batman without an Alfred Pennyworth to be there to assist him. Jeremy Irons will be bringing the gentlemen butler to life in this movieverse. Already giving Batfleck doubters some sense of reassurance.

Lex Luthor
(Jesse Eisenberg)
With names like Bryan Cranston, Mark Strong, etc being the majorities favorites to play Lex Luthor in DC Comics movieverse, Jesse Eisenbergs being chosen was initially met with criticism. Not Batfleck level, but it was there. Luckily that faded quick as people remembered Eisenberg's past roles showed he was a good choice.

The Joker
(Jared Leto)
Although there wasn't really any negativity around this casting choice, not to the level of what Heath Ledger had faced when the late actor was tapped to play The Joker in "The Dark Knight". Was Ledger's Oscar winning performance the reason fans didn't flip? Is it Leto himself? Or is it that "Suicide Squad" is a villain centered team/film?

Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel
(Margot Robbie)
Of all of the members of the cast for "Suicide Squad", Margot Robbie may have the biggest challenge. Sure, she has the look to play Harley Quinn. But, almost every fan will be judging her based on her voice. Hopefully, fans will be okay for a similar sound but superior performance.

Deadshot/Floyd Lawton
(Will Smth)
Not as big as he "was", but Will Smith is one of the biggest stars in this movieverse. Smith will be bringing the sharpshooting villain, Deadshot, to life. Given his star power, will we see...Will in other DC Comics movieverse films? Another "Suicide Squad", or a Batfleck film?

Killer Croc/Waylon Jones
(Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje)
Although some say that Adewale will actually play King Shark (understandably as he is a usual member of Task Force X aka Suicide Squad), majority of the reports say Croc. With him being a member of Batman's rogues gallery, will we see Waylon Jones/Killer Croc in Batflecks Gotham?

Captain Boomerang/ George "Digger" Harkness
(Jai Courtney)
Obviously Australian Captain Boomerang will be brought to life by an Aussie. Before he becomes Kyle Reese in "Terminator Genisys", Jai Courtney will be throwing boomerangs in "Suicide Squad".

Enchantress/June Moone
(Cara Delevingne)
It would appear that there will be a touch of magic in "Suicide Squad". Cara Delevingne will be casting spells as Enchantress. Does this mean that "Suicide Squad" could give us a taste of what could be in "Justice League Dark"?

Rick Flag
(Joel Kinnaman)
Basically a leader on the field. Waller calls the shots from afar, Rick Flag sees to it that orders are carried out while working along side Task Force X. Will this be the role Joel Kinnaman (originally Tom Hardy) will portray in "Suicide Squad"?

Amanda Waller
(Viola Davis)
Someone needs to tell the Task Force X or "Suicide Squad" what to do. Viola Davis  brings her stage, television, and film experience to the role of Amanda Waller.

Black Adam
(Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson)
Although The Rock has stated this isn't in the same movieverse, some have said DC looks at all of this as their live action multiverse. That being said, who's to say that The Rock won't be bringing Black Adam into THIS movieverse at some point.

Shazam!/Bill Batson
The only thing we know about any of this is that The Rock signed on to play Black Adam. So, although we don't know who will play Shazam! (formerly Captain Marvel), we do know that he will obviously be here. And like stated before, maybe one day Shazam! will be apart of the movieverse this article is focused on.

That is just so far. "Suicide Squad" alone recently posted a group picture on Twitter. While there were the cast members listed above, there are some other actors in the photo. Who they will be playing in "Suicide Squad" has yet to be clarified. There are also the planned films who's rosters have yet to be cast. With there still being almost a year until "Batman VS Superman: Dawn Of Justice" hits theatres, and "Suicide Squad" is currently filming in Toronto, we are in "wait and see" mode. But, this is what we have so far, and of course this list will grow, and possibly change as time goes on.

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