Sunday, April 26, 2015


Haven't seen anything about it, but if it has been said before, feel free to leave a comment below. Whether it was from "Arrow", "The Flash", and "Legends"( still an unconfirmed title). If you've heard or read, feel free to educate. But, as for now the question remains, when will Lanterns begin to appear?

During the "Arrow/Flash" crossover earlier in the season, there was a very clear reference to the emotional spectrum. As most fans are aware, Latnerns of all colors get their powers from the spectrum. That episode even had a meta-human who used "rage" as his weapon. Although not an outright "Red Lantern", coupled with the spectrum reference it almost "opens the door" for there to be one.
Sure, there is an almost endless list of characters who some may prefer to see on the small screen. However, the only time we've seen a Lantern of any color in "live action" was in the movie "Green Lantern" (2011). So, it would be somewhat "historic" in a sense. Also, there has only been rumors of a Green Lantern appearing in the current movieverse. Even the rumors can't quite decide on which character to use. Hal? John? Guy? Kyle? Simon? These are just the Green Lanterns, there are of course the other corps of Lanterns. Similar to Marvel's "X-Men", the Lanterns are almost an entire "world" all in itself. And since there seems to be no plans to perhaps give them their own television show, it is almost "needed" for them to begin to appear within the "Arrow/Flash/Legends" tv-verse. Hal Jordan alone has comic book history with both Green Arrow ("Arrow") and The Flash ("The Flash" obviously) so it would be interesting to see their stories unfold on any size screen.

Was hoping that "Supergirl" would be the "alien" show while "The Flash" focused on meta-humans, and "Arrow" on more human based characters. But, it doesn't appear to be that way, so hopefully "Legends" begins to showcase those from other planets. Space is a big part of the DC Comics Universe (not intended, but the pun works), so they should at least begin to expand in that direction. and really, who better to connect earth and space than a Green Lantern from Sector 2814?

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