Sunday, April 12, 2015


As you've seen so far, in regards to movieverses, Marvel is worlds beyond where DC Comics is currently. And it is continuously growing with future installments of Captain America, Thor, amongst others (both returning and debuting). Here is "Phase 2" of the Marvel movieverse...

Hawkeye/Clint Barton
(Jeremy Renner)
Although not quite a leading character (given the lack of solo film), Renner has fit perfectly into the role of Hawkeye. Even adding some depth to the relationship between Hawkeye and Black Widow.

Falon/Sam Wilson
(Anthony Mackie)
Anthony Mackie swooped into "Captain America: Winter Soldier", and fared quite well. Hopefully Falcon won't get lost in this sea of characters.

Nick Fury
(Samuel L. Jackson)
Even with S.H.I.E.L.D. in disarray after the events in "Captain America: Winter Soldier", the sub story of how Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury brings it all back together will be interesting to see.

Phil Coulson
(Clark Gregg)
Even though his role appeared small, Clark Gregg made everyone give a damn about Phil Coulson. All while joining the "Phase One" films together, and making us ask WTF when he was killed by Loki. We cared so much so, that nobody really cared how they explained his return to the living on televisions "Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Maria Hill
(Cobie Smulders)
It took some time, but Cobie Smulders finally has most (some) fans seeing her as a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. or at least Maria Hill and not Robin Scherbatsky.

Peggy Carter
(Heyley Atwell)
Regardless of what era or format we are seeing Peggy Carter, Heyley Atwell has been adding a strong sense of continuity playing the character as both a young soldier and as a retired "older" woman.

Howard Stark
(Dominick Cooper)
Tony Stark is Tony Stark, but it isn't hard to see that his father Howard was the blueprint from which Tony evolved. Although Howard passes at some point, his inclusion in the early years (WWII) only added to the overall story.

Agent 13/Sharon Carter
(Emily VanCamp)
Agent 13 aka Sharon Carter represents the two generations that Captain America joins together in a sense. Being his former "almost flame" Peggy Carter's daughter.

Star-Lord/Peter Quill
(Chris Pratt)
Chris Pratt met, and exceeded expectations with the role of Star-Lord. We laughed, we cried, we cheered, and laughed some more. How Star-Lord and the rest of The Guardians Of The Galaxy play into the thick of things, will be delightfully interesting to see.

(Zoe Saldana)
Gamora as a character had many layers given her roots, and involvement with the rest of The Guardians Of The Galaxy. And Zoe Saldana performed very well in showing us all of those layers.

Drax The Destroyer
(Dave Bautista)
To WWE fans, he is known as "The Animal" Batista. But, no matter what you call him, when he's in make-up and carrying a blade he is Drax The Destroyer. Dave delivered with his overly serious character.

(Vin Diesel-voice and motion capture)
Using only three words, Vin Diesel was able to capture hearts as the living plant, Groot. Also providing the perfect straight man for Bradley Cooper's Rocket.

(Bradley Cooper)
Bradley Cooper helped make a walking, talking, CGI'd Sure the character worked in the comic books, but shouldn't have translated as well as it did on film. And it did very well.

Corpsman Rhomann Dey
(John C. Reilly)
John C. Reilly added a perfect level of humor to his smaller supporting role as Rhomann. and would be welcomed back for the next "Guardians Of The Galaxy" installment, if need be.

Nova Prime Irani Rael
(Glenn Close)
Given her stellar resume, Glenn Close as Irani Rael needed to be mentioned. And given her solid delivery, her involvement would also be welcomed to return.

Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
(Aaron Taylor-Johnson)
X-Men fans will be tuning in to see how Aaron Taylor-Johnson does as Quicksilver, both to see how well he does, and to immediately compare it to Evan Peters rendition in FOX's "X-Men" franchise.

Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
(Elizabeth Olsen)
More so than anyone else, Scarlet Witch, joined the X-Men and Avengers worlds together in the comic books. Given that she is a mutant, and a member of The Avengers alum. Another character X-Men fans may be keeping a close eye on.

General Thunderbolt Ross
(William Hurt)
Much like his daughter, Betty, where and if General Ross will appear next is a small mystery. Perhaps more so than Betty, Thunderbolt should appear given his military involvement.

Click the following links for Phase 1  Phase 3

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