Sunday, September 29, 2013


Ben-Affleck.Batlfeck.Batman.Bruce-Wayne.Man-Of-Steel.Justice-League.Man-Of-Steel-2.Okay, maybe the world hasn't literally ended, but a lot of fellow Bat-Fans out there sure have been acting as though it has. I've heard about death threats (even to those not even connected to the movie) and a petition for the President of the USA to step in and stop this casting. Seriously stupid stuff, that in all honesty, makes it kind of embarrassing to be a fan. I openly admit, my initial reaction was "F*ck!". For me it had absolutely nothing to do with Affleck or his ability to act or make a good movie. Daredevil wasn't the best movie, but I enjoyed it (minus Afflecks hair aha). So much, that I kind of yearned for him to reprise his role in the Elektra spin-off/sequel. My issue with this casting, was that I haven't heard or seen any movies where Ben had "the voice" to play Batman. A combination of his Boston accent and higher toned voice makes it hard for me to see him as The Dark Knight. Now I am not saying everyone has to be like Christian Bale and his grovelling attempt, however a different style of voice work is essential while dawning the cape and cowl. Biggest issue with George Clooney's attempt at being the Batman was that with or without the mask, you knew Bruce Wayne and Batman were the same person.

Now I am sure some of you are thinking, "Oh, working on his voice is easy." and initially you aren't wrong, however, it isn't as easy as you think and takes a lot of dedication. Not only that, there is always the risk of it being cheesy or over the top (Bale went overboard at times).

Again, this is the only thing that worries me. It was the only thing that worried me about Heath playing The Joker in The Dark Knight. I had never heard/seen him without the accent (Aussie I think). And well, clearly, those worries were put to sleep very quickly. And speaking of Heath Ledger as Mr. J, I remember the proverbial crap hitting the fan over that casting choice as well, I dunno, do you think that an Oscar win and the Box-Office numbers made those doubters eat their words? I believe so. And although I was too young to really hear about them, but I do remember my Dad telling me about how nobody wanted Michael Keaton as Batman back in the '89 Tim Burton movie, and I know I am not the only one who thinks of the first two of that franchise as being the best of them.

Batman.Batfleck.Ben-Affleck.Bruce-Wayne.Superman.Henry-Cavill.Clark-Kent.Superman-Vs-Batman.Justice-League. So, the next 2 years shall be spent defending this movie and its casting choices. Hopefully this movie is as awesome as I am expecting it to be. Absolutely loved Man Of Steel, and adding my all-time favorite character to that mix, cannot be a bad thing....I hope ahaha Naw, total confidence in Zack Synder and the cast of this movie. Till then if your going to "question" anything about this movie, then let it be about things like "With Affleck only being 41, what direction are they taking after teasing this will be similar to Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns", or "When are they announcing Brian Cranston as Lex Luthor?" Okay that last one is purely rumor at the moment, but my choice for the role (if it is even part of the upcoming movie).

Stay nerdy!