Sunday, April 27, 2014


With newcomer Ray Fisher getting the nod to play Victor Stone aka Cyborg in the upcoming Man Of Steel follow-up, we can not only add another member to the Justice League, but also take away one more possibility as to whom Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson will be portraying. Of course it is just an assumption that the character who The Rock will play falls into the Man Of Steel movieverse. He's built himself into a big time Hollywood name, so it would add to the hype that would surround an all out Justice League movie.

Only thing that we know for sure is that The Rock is signed on to play a character from DC Comics catalog, it will be a character that hasn't been on the big screen before, and that he will be bad ass! Rumors have always involved the WWE great, but began to pick up more steam once the news broke. Here's a list of possible choices for The People's Champion...

Black Adam
This is the role that fans have been wanting and creating rumors over since roughly 2001 or so. Simple fan art has even shown that The Great One would suit the role almost perfectly on a visual level. In order for for this character to appear within either the Man Of Steel/Justice League movieverse, or a movieverse all its own, Shazam (formerly Captain Marvel) would need to appear. Well, one would assume that he would, but DC Comics hasn't been big on having Superman and Shazam at the same time given their likeness. It could be an original story though that could have Black Adam as an enemy of Superman. It could work.

Okay this one has been done before. Remember how that went though and who better to give the character Steel his redemption? To make it even more unlikely is the slight similarity to the newly cast character Cyborg. Again, just looking for redemption after Shaq broke the original like it was a backboard.

Martian Manhunter
Not sure if The Rock meant that the character has never appeared in a movie or ever in live action form. Although this character has appeared in the former television series Smallville, technically J'onn J'onnz only appeared in his alien form for a matter of seconds. Not a knock on the previous attempt, there is so much more to Martian Manhunter, and could be a key part of the Justice League/Man Of Steel movieverse.

It seemed to be more rumored of the possibilities for The Rock to play when he announced to us he signed on with DC Comics. Lobo fits the never been done before prerequisite, as well as the one for being bad ass. Only problem with this choice, would be the amount of hate that would come from the people who want Danny Trejo to play this role. Nobody can blame them, the Machete star is a perfect casting but, he isn't a young man anymore, and The Rock is pretty bad ass himself and would be a good second choice

Green Lantern John Stewart
This choice would almost serve two roles, first being the debut of one Sector 2814's Green Lanterns. Secondly, it is an opportunity to bring redemption to the Green Lantern Corps after the critically and box office under achiever, Green Lantern (2011). Does John Stewart reach bad ass status though? Former military so he is the more of follow orders type of guy out of the other Lanterns to come out of Earth, but that experience also puts Rock in his comfort zone and make his own as well as be loaded with action.

Hard to truly pinpoint who The Rock will play, saying that it will be a character that has never been done before, only eliminates a short list of possibilities, and still leaves an endless number of roles. DC Comics is just now breaking out from their Batman and Superman comfort zones, and looking to really push their characters onto the silver screen. Visually speaking he was almost perfect for the role of Cyborg, but as is their choice Ray Fisher. Like with everything in this new DC Comics movieverse, it is a wait and see type of thing. At least now, the wait isn't as bad when we now know this is all finally happening. Justice League is going to be coming to life. Take that Marvel! This is also possibly good for wrestling fans as well, with the target audience being generally the same, no better platform for The Rock to promote the movie he is in than the WWE.

Stay Nerdy!

Saturday, April 19, 2014


With Hollywood it is never safe to assume that a film will be successful despite who is starring in it, who is directing and thinking that a sequel will be good because the first one was amazing. It isn't even safe to assume that others will like the movie that you do, which if the numbers are high enough, kill the franchise. Comic Book and superhero movies are no exception. Daredevil (2003), Green Lantern (2011), etc. However, for this article we will pretend that the follow-up movie to Man Of Steel (2013), which has many possible names so far (Man Of Steel 2? Superman Vs Batman? etc) will be a success and that Justice League soon to follow.
The original three are set and cast. Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, and Ben Affleck as Batman. Of course there are other characters that already or are set to exist within this movieverse, Amy Adams as Lois Lane and Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth. Obviously can't forget to mention Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. There is also a big star who has signed on to appear as a character from the DC Universe. That star being The Rock. Here we will focus on the members of the League that should and could appear in the highly anticipated Justice League movie. We're also going to assume that the universe that exists in the Arrow and The Flash on The CW, as well FOX's Gotham are not a part of the movieverse.

The Rock was the aforementioned star that is set to appear as a DC Comics character. He hasn't said anything more than that the character has never appeared in live action before, has a deep story character wise, and is bad ass. Being a former football player (before his days in the squared circle) it would be easy in a way for Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to relate to the character of Vic Stone. Also, with his wrestling background and as well as his fathers, he can somewhat relate to his father and himself as a father being "too busy" at times. Of course, The People's Champion could play the part of other characters like Lobo perhaps as some other sites have pointed to. Regardless of who plays the role, Cyborg is definitely a character that should appear in Justice League.

Green Lantern
Which Green Lantern of Sector 2814? Not quite sure. All of them really, but for Justice League it needs to be one. Who then spins-off into his own series of films where we are introduced to the other Lanterns. Hal Jordan would be most obvious, and also the one who needs redemption in some fans eyes. Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner fans are likely hoping to see him appear. John Stewart is there for perhaps The Rock to play having not appeared before, as well as another opportunity to a character of color make their big screen debuts. There is even the newest (Simon Baz)) and the original Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) who could fill the role. Hal Jordan may be the choice, again to erase Green Lantern (2011) as well as the best buds relationship with...

CGI capabilities available nowadays say that it is time. In the past it made sense for Arthur Curry to not appear on the big screen. Smallville made him fit into their universe, but Aquaman in a movie role needs more than the ability to swim and communicate with fish.Now is the time to put that standard Aquaman summoning a massive Shark or Whale panel into a live action sequence. As part of the Justice League, it also takes away the pressure of carrying a solo film. Give the audience a taste of what could be, see how they respond (obviously the overall opinion, as there will be the typical haters picking the performance apart), and then proceed from there.Marvel has shown that characters like Aquaman and the upcoming Wonder Woman with their Thor franchise. One can almost envision Aquaman fitting perfectly within the universe created by Zack Snyder with Man Of Steel.

Martian Manhunter
If not as a member of the Justice League, then at least within this new movieverse. J'onn J'onzz would add to the alien tone, with Superman looking human and all. Of course Martian Manhunter would make use of his shape shifting powers, but would keep with his alien form most of the time. Especially with us only getting a very brief glimpse of the character in his natural form on the former television series, Smallville.

The Flash
With the television universe having an upcoming Arrow spin-off in The Flash with Grant Gustin playing Barry Allen, there is a chance that at some point we will have 2 scarlet speedsters in live action form. Now this is assuming that the television series is a success and is still on the air when Justice League happens mind you. This adds to the debate that will likely occur amongst the fans, for the movie, Barry Allen? Or Wally West? DC related things aren't keen on having multiple live action versions appearing at the same time. It was the given reason for Batman not appearing in Smallville. You may be saying Smallville and Superman Returns (2006). Smallville wasn't technically about Superman as it was more focused on Clark Kent. Small loop hole perhaps. Jay Garrick fans don't worry, you weren't forgotten. There is even a chance that the original Flash will appear in Justice League if The Flash on The CW is still running. Whomever plays the part, it is a role that needs to appear, if not to simply compete with Marvel who are set to have 2 different Quicksilver's appear in Avengers: Age Of Ultron and X-Men: Days Of Future Past.

Those are likely on everyone's "obviously list", but with basically only Batman and Superman, and one time with Green Lantern, getting time on the big screen it is better to stick with the traditional model of the team. It also won't alienate any new comic book readers that the film(s) may garner too much, by sticking with what was the Justice League roster within the New 52.

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Monday, April 7, 2014


RDJ.Iron_Man.Marvel.Marvel_Studios.Marvel_MoviesIron Man fans are ready to pounce, and anti-DC Comics fans are ready to war over a title like that. However, even the great Robert Downey Jr has said that it is a likely possibility. He isn't happy about that, and fans share the sentiment. Understandably so. Iron Man was RDJ's revival role, and a talented star who gave us a Tony Stark aka Iron Man that we deserved. If this were to happen, and within the next few years, it presents a possible opportunity for DC Comics fans, namely Batman fans.
Heath_Ledger.The_Joker.Mr_J.The_Dark_KnightWith Ben Affleck set to portray Batman in the upcoming Man Of Steel follow-up, it opens up the opportunity to try to cast the characters that could appear in his version of Gotham City. As we have all seen, the casting of Bruce Wayne aka Batman is a difficult task with large amounts of backlash regardless of who dawns the cowl. The actor choosing for the role of Batman's greatest nemesis, The Joker, is no different. Thanks to the late Heath Ledger's Oscar winning performance, the bar is raised and likely scares off many of Hollywoods most talented.
Iron-Man.Robert-Downey-Jr.Marvel.Everyone has their opinion on who should be next to play Mr. J on the big screen. The actor required is going to not only be talented and have the ability to make the character their own, they also need to have higher than normal self confidence to both take on and successfully play the part. Enter Robert Downey Jr. While he embraced being Iron Man, and most notably owned the role of Tony Stark, it didn't provide much room to truly play or act. That in a nutshell is RDJ, or at least the persona he reveals to the public. Everyone knows he is one of the best actors there is going, The Joker presents an opportunity for him to cement that. He could be done with comic book roles after he is done playing Iron Man, or he could be Tony Stark forever. Which would be totally okay, just a Bat-fan, more notably a Joker fan looking for greatness to play the Clown Prince Of Crime.

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