Friday, October 25, 2013

CHILL!!!!!! TOP 5 GOOD THINGS ABOUT..."Batman & Robin(1997)"

I honestly try to be positive, key word is try. It's hard at times, but I am sure it is just as hard to make a good movie. We live in a world where people are chomping at the bit to be negative about something before giving it a shot (ie. Batfleck), and then, even when the negativity is almost justified, that is all it becomes, negative.

So, here is an attempt to pick out positive things from movies that were considered failures. Shouldn't be too hard, as most of the movies I plan on covering I actually like (stay tuned for "Green Lantern (2011)").

Batman & Robin (1997)

5) Mr. Freeze's Suit/Armor
Visually it looked pretty badass. Perhaps a touch bulky, but then again that may have been a result of who was wearing it. Which was a result of many other problems, but this suit/armor deserves credit. Props to the costume department on this one (and only this one aha).

4) George Clooney
We almost all agree he made/makes a perfect Bruce Wayne. His attempt at Batman? Well, what if it was a different time? Different Director? Different Script? No Nipples? I think there would be praise for Clooney. And, for his Bruce Wayne, he makes the list.

3)'s Costume
Nipples aside, the intial costume was spot on, and visually great. Although still playing Robin, it gave a taste of Grayson's future persona, Nightwing. Sans cape of course.

2) Alfred
The late Michael Gough was really the cornerstone of this franchise. Along with Commissioner Gordon, were the only characters to appear in all 4 installments. Unlike Gordon though, Alfred was an intricate part of the stories, or at least revelant, and although the story was weak in "Batman & Robin", Gough made it work.

1) Batman Begins
Hey, if this movie didn't suck so bad, Hollywood wouldn't have known that it was time for a change. Stories and Direction come first. Without it, it doesn't matter who's starring, high failure rate. That change came in form of Batman Begins, and the trilogy it was apart of. And to steal a quote, "For That, We Thank You!".

Stay Nerdy!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Why Nerds And Geeks Should Honor Canada

Perhaps "honor" is the wrong word to use, or maybe I am acting the stereotype of a Canadian and being modest ahaha But, seriously though even as a Canuck Nerd, I find myself thanking my country for some of these people.
Some are iconic, some were part of things that "failed" box-office wise, none the less all these Canadians were/are part of Nerd history on the big and small screens.

Anna Paquin
She is "Rogue" in the X-Men movies, and is "Sookie Stackhouse" on True Blood. Not a fan? Oscar winner at the age of 11, so props must be given.

Stephen Amell
Amell is Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) on The CW's "Arrow". Season 2 premieres this coming Wednesday (Oct. 9th). 

Ryan Reynolds
Despite the reviews or the box-office numbers, Reynolds has portrayed Green Lantern Hal Jordan in 2011's "Green Lantern" and Deadpool aka Wade Wilson in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" in 2009.

Ellen Page
Ellen has been in the X-Men movie saga as Katherine "Kitty" Pryde or Shadowcat for you mutants out there. Plus, she's Ellen're welcome.

Keanu Reeves
All jokes aside, John Constantine in 2005's "Constantine". Oh, and I guess there was also that other small time role in The Matrix trilogy ahahaha He's Neo *censored*'s!!

Jim Carrey
Known for so many characters and roles from a range of movies, but his roles as Stanley Ipkiss in 1994's "The Mask", The Riddler in "Batman Forever" (1995) and most recently, Col. Stars And Stripes in this years "Kick-Ass 2".

Laura Vandervoort
You may notice that your current drooling pattern is the same as when you watched televisions "Smallville". That is because she was Kara-El/Kara Kent aka Supergirl on the hit series. You're very welcome.

Seth Rogan
Okay, maybe we owe the world an apology for this, but then again he was the Green Hornet and we were not in 2011's "Green Hornet".

Michael J. Fox
Pretty sure he's an American citizen now, but he's Canadian born regardless, oh and he was also Marty McFly in the classic "Back To The Future" trilogy.

Dan Aykroyd
Co-Created, co-wrote and starred as Ray Stantz in both "Ghostbusters" movies and is willing to make more unlike a certain American (we are lookin' at you Bill).

Rick Moranis
Probably not his "biggest" roles but at the same time kind of were. Louis Tully and well The Keymaster (when possessed) in the "Ghostbusters" films. And was great as Dark Helmet in "Spaceballs" (1987).

Kristin Kreuk
Kristin was Lana Lang in televisions hit show "Smallville". As well as Chun-Li in 2009's "Street Fighter: The Legend Of Chun-Li". And would possibly make a good Catwoman if ever cast to play her.

Nathan Fillion
Nathan has voiced the character in DC's animated movies, and is many peoples choice to play the live screen version of Green Lantern Hal Jordan. He also played lead in televisions "Firefly" and the movie "Serenity" (2005) as Capt. Malcolm Reynolds.

Erica Durance
Erica portrayed the iconic character Lois Lane, and some other characters while possessed on televisions "Smallville". And she was Wonder Woman in a television series that was almost given the "green light".

Aaron Ashmore
Another alumni of televisions hit series of yesteryear "Smallville", Aaron played the role of Jimmy Olsen. And is ironically friends with "Superman Returns" (2006) Jimmy Olsen, Sam Huntington. Oh and....

Shawn Ashmore
Aaron's twin brother is Shawn (as you could tell I am sure) who played Eric Summers on a few occasions on "Smallville". Shawn however is better known for portraying Bobby Drake aka Iceman in the X-Men movies.

Cobie Smulders
Best known for her role on televisions "How I Met Your Mother", Cobie however is known for her role as Agent Maria Hill in the blockbuster "The Avengers" (2012) and the characters recurring roles in other movies and television shows related to the film. And yes, I would cast her as Wonder Woman in an instant. Hint hint.

Hayden Christensen
Love or hate him and/or Episodes II and III in the Star Wars saga, bottom line Hayden was/is Anakin Skywalker and Darth frickin' Vader. Even currently in the "upgraded" Ep. IV-VI. Again, Currently.

William Shatner
Like we have done with Star Wars, Canada gets a win in the Star Trek universe with the original Captain James T. Kirk being Canadian born William Shatner.

Honorable mentions include, James Doohan as Scotty in the Star Trek universe and Pamela Anderson (the early years) with the title character in "Barb Wire" (1996).

Although not Nerd-related, we apologize for the likes of Celine Dion and Justin Beiber. Nobody's perfect right?

Stay Nerdy!