Monday, April 6, 2015


In trying to keep with the traditional tone of the character from the comic books, the currently being filmed movie Deadpool is reportedly going to have a R rating.  Which hasn't been the norm with comic book movies, but then most of the characters we've seen thus far don't need any "adult content". Things like language, blood, and violence (and lost of it). These are the things Deadpool is based on, but he isn't alone.

Sure, there aren't many other characters in the Marvel collection that require all three of those, but there are those who require two out of three. Some of the characters have had the R rating before, however, it was with a film company that wasn't Marvel Studios (or Disney Marvel Entertainment). Meaning, the story(ies) and overall quality wasn't there, not like we've seen thus far with Marvel owned and produced movies. Where is all of this going? Simple. If Deadpool is successful, will it entice Marvel Studios to begin to produce R rated movies with the characters they own? Deadpool isn't owned by Marvel, the rights belong to FOX (with the other X-Men and related characters). But, money speaks louder than anything in this industry. If Deadpool draws big numbers, it would show that the rating didn't hinder it, and possibly helped it. So, the question is a valid one. For some it is loaded with hope so that they have a chance to see their favorite characters staying true to form on film. Marvel has been looking to acquire the movie rights to characters every chance that they get. This was the reason why other companies have quickly produced or begun the process with the characters that they own (ie Fantastic 4, Spider-Man, etc). For those unaware, companies have x amount of time to do something with the characters that they own, or else the rights are up for grabs.
How this happened? Marvel was broke in the 90's and had not intentions at the time to produce movies, so they sold the rights to others. Things clearly turned around for the company, and is deep in the movie industry, so now are trying to buy them all back. Which would've been easier, however everyone is aware of the possible value in a comic book film.

Here is a list of characters who could use an R rating regardless of where they are made, even though Marvel has bought back most of them, and is looking to get them all under one roof...

Marvel now has Blade and others back in the fold. Now what to do with them? Blade has proven before the R rating can work, add better quality all around production who knows how big things could get. With some of the other characters on this list, there is even some cross-over appeal. Perhaps a separate "movieverse" for them would help. Blade could be the centerpiece of it all, given previous success.

Sure he is a Spider-Man villain, and we should wait for him to simply appear in a SONY owned film (even though Marvel is "borrowing" rights to Spidey). However, this isn't a typical bad guy from Spider-Man's rogues gallery. He's a crazy, mass murderer that makes Venom look PG in comparison. So, either a solo or collective bad guy film, or a R-Rating for a Spider-Man film is needed for this character to stay close to home.

Ghost Rider
Marvel reaquired the rights, and could produce a PG-13 rated version and still do better. Jokes aside, similar to Blade, R-Rating with all around better production (even more so in this case. NO CAGE for starters) and this character will regain some respect on the big screen. And actually, could be the character to "join" this darker movieverse with that of the Avengers movieverse as he "works" in either light.

Yes, Wolvie can do his thing with a lower rating, and has shown that with more writing/acting focused films both on his own or with the X-Men. But, blood, guts and occasional dismemberment would make for quite the flick. And yes, a Wolverine/Deadpool movie would be insane, but would also need that R-Rating. FOX or Marvel, it would be nice to see. (Both are FOX by the way).

The Punisher
Not only does The Punisher need better production and most notably writing, he really needs the R-Rating. This is a character that shoots first, shoot some more, if anyone survives ask a question, and then shoot them. Although not wanting a direct ripoff, Punisher could be the Captain America of this world given his military background and approach to things. Oh, and Marvel bought his rights back as well.

There are others of course, but best to start with your top dogs to set the stage for a darker, R-Rated movieverse. Use them to even introduce characters who may need the rating, but companies are unsure if the fans are there.

For more Movie, TV Show, Comic Book, Video Game, and Wrestling stuff! Head on over to Non-Geeky Nerd and check things out! Stay Nerdy!

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