Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Almost everything is a matter of opinion, and everyone is entitled to that no matter who, what, etc etc. It is what truly separate us at the end of the day. Here are some of my opinions that don't usually fall into the general with the majority...


Initially, I was against even watching it. The story wasn't about Batman, and the lead actor was from "The OC" (sometimes we have to share the television, so we can watch all the nerd stuff we want haha) and wasn't impressed with the limited acting. I eventually submitted and tried it out, only to lost interest quickly. And if that is supposed to be The Joker, or his younger pre-clown self, I hate it haha I am thinking I felt what the Heath and Leto haters felt after seeing them and still not liking their portrayals. I however liked both, but regardless, I am not a fan of the series.

Dr. Who
I'm sorry. Just not my forte I guess....put down the gun....please?

The Walking Dead on AMC
Took me a minute to get into it and start watching. But, it didn't last long. I tried the comic books, and made watching the show even harder. Comic books didn't last long for me either, but admit part of that problem was not reading from the start. The show did have moments, but then it just felt like an endless "wait for them to die" situation. Recent events and what everyone has said has made me glad that I got out before things felt even more "over done". It is just a personal preference, but as a grown man I don't need to see death and sex in shows and movies. I am more impressed when they are able to strongly get what is happening across without actually showing anything. And even at its peak, I don't feel an extra show was needed or deserved.


Daredevil (2003)
Again with limited exposure, but again liked it. Was it open to end amazing? No, but we were in early 2000's and were just in the beginning of getting comic book films. I will say that Affleck's hair as Matt Murdoch was ridiculous, but loved the look of the suit. It was an immediate ending to that old "wanting spandex" phase. In regards to DD that is, Bullseye needed something better than what Collin gave us. Although I am sure going sans mask was so they didn't cover his pretty face haha

Green Lantern (2011)
I should start with mentioning that I had limited exposure to Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern side of things in DC Comics. I am sure that it had helped not having the set in expectations like I do for Batman, The Joker, etc. I liked it. I thought Ryan Reynolds did an okay job with his portrayal of Hal. The costume was a bit much, but figured it would look great in a darker DC Movieverse (was still in Blue Lantern mode with that idea). I was actually disappointed that there wasn't a follow-up where we would likely see Sinestro begin his reign of fear. Speaking of which, I thought that Mark Strong nailed that one out of the park. Someone that should possibly be recast as the same character. Possibly as like many I get tired of explaining how these franchises and movieverses are all separate from each other. Who's in DC, who's in Marvel. That Batman franchise isn't connected to this one. Etc. Etc.

Star Wars Episodes I, II, & III
Most notably, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith. I liked seeing more Jedi and Sith as opposed to just one or two (Master and Apprentice). I was a fan of the upgraded lightsaber battles, especially between Obi Wan and Anakin in  Revenge Of The Sith. I also liked how the film seemed "brighter" adding to the effect of the darkness in Episodes IV-VI,

Just my opinion. Which is both valuable and irrelevant as again we are all entitled to our own opinions, even when they don't "fit" with the majority. There will be more in all areas that I try to cover (wrestling, games, etc.). Until then...Stay Nerdy!

For more Wrestling, Movie, Comic Book, TV Show, Video Game, and Nerd Fit stuff! Head on over to Non-Geeky Nerd and check things out! Stay Nerdy!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

I didn't get to see "Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice" in theatres, I've only seen the 3hr extended cut. So, I am not really aware of the issues with the original release. I likely would've still liked everything. But, after others knocking "Suicide Squad", which I liked so much that I saw it 3x in theatres. Like "Batman V Superman" there is going to be an extended cut. Which makes me wonder if there will be the opposite effect, and I don't like it.

I am sure that there will be more Harley Quinn and the footage of The Joker that was cut and someone attempted to sue over. Afan, not Jared Leto who actually put in the work haha But, although I will like that, what about the rest? Could be pointless or just poorly done. Either of which could ruin the movie for me if editing is done wrong or poor as well.

Guess we will see come November when digital format is available and Blu-Ray out in December. I will be getting both as that's how my brain works and I am tired of waiting haha

Sunday, August 7, 2016


My oldest daughter and I went to see "Suicide Squad" on Sunday. Thought that it was going to be a rough day after my lady let it slip to my youngest that we were going to see a "Harley Quinn" movie. It was a slip of mind saying it that way, and lead to a small freak out. Why? Well, the baby of our SQWAD is named Harleigh Quinn. And even with the femme form of the first name, she is a blonde haired, blue eyed, super smart, and just as strong version of the character. Had to kind of lie to her, saying it is "Suicide Squad" and not "Harley Quinn". Luckily, she is only 3 (going on 4 this Halloween) and bought it.

Now, this isn't going to be a review really. I loved it. Period. I will say that everyone in this movie brought their A Game and it showed. I would love to see some spin-offs or appearances in other franchises in this movieverse for sure. Clearly a fan of The Joker and Harley Quinn, so seeing even more of them is on my wishlist.
It was action packed, entertaining, and the story was pretty good. I can see where some may poke fun, but to me it was DC Comics all-Villain version of Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy. A cast of characters with backstories to tell, and like I said, they did that well. Even my only concern going into it, which was Will Smith, was put to rest. Haven't cared much for his performances the last few years, it became a "I am aware I am watching Will Smith play something". This time around though, I wasn't. I was watching Floyd Lawton doing his thing as Deadshot. I liked it so much, that I would be very open to seeing more of the former Fresh Prince shooting stuff flawlessly.
I am itching to go see it again, and I will be next weekend as part of my anniversary with my lady. Now it is a week of quotes while trying to not play spoiler, even though she likely would remember.

Even when I am done seeing it for a second time, I will left anxiously waiting for the digital and Blu-Ray releases. I know that opening weekend just ended, but, are we there yet?

For more Movie, Comic Book, TV Show, Video Game, Nerd Fit, and Wrestling stuff! Head on over to Non-Geeky Nerd and check things out! Stay Nerdy!

Sunday, July 31, 2016


It was reported that the version of the Suicide Squad on televisions "Arrow" was scrapped due to the upcoming live action version. So, it was likely that a t.v. version of DC Comics ultimate team of superheroes, Justice League, was not going to happen. However, now we see "Supergirl" moving to the CW and joining "Arrow", "The Flash", and "Legends Of Tomorrow" ("iZombie" too but separate universe). Not only that, she is bringing one of DC Comics trinity in Superman.

Does this mean that there is a possibility of seeing a new version of group? We saw the Justice League in "Smallville" missing Wonder Woman and Batman, but the team was assembled regardless. Why not go the same route again, but with a newer spin on it this time? It is most likely that we won't see Batman or Wonder Woman, maybe as Bruce Wayne or Diana Prince, but not as their hero versions. That is okay, there are still others both already within the television universe and who could possibly make an appearance after likely being off movie studios radar at this point in time. It's okay if Superman isn't even involved.
Green Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl cover the basics of human, meta human, and alien. We'll assume Aquaman and Cyborg may be off limits right now, so we'll go with Mister Miracle, Doctor Fate, and maybe bring up Vibe to replace Green Lantern with the friendship banter with The Flash.

If not the Justice League, then definitely a new version of the classic Justice Society. Haven't been a fan of "Legends Of Tomorrow" so it could make for a good replacement given some of their cast would make perfect fits. The Atom, Hawkman, and Hawkgirl to be precise. Now that I think of it, it would make for an excellent two-part television movie at the end of every season. Since Justice League is on the big screen, then a Justice Society could own the small.

I honestly don't see why they don't allow characters to appear, as the real fans are able to differentiate between the universes so there wouldn't be any confusion. We spend a lot of time explaining to "outsiders" which movies are connected and not.

For more Movie, TV Show, Nerd Fit, Comic Book, Video Game, and Wrestling stuff! Head on over to Non-Geeky Nerd and check things out! Stay Nerdy!

Saturday, July 30, 2016


There is at least one Batman solo movie in the works, hopefully more as to cover his massive rogues gallery. Sure, Ben Affleck will bring the goddamn Batman to the upcoming "Suicide Squad", but will that be the only interaction we will see between Bats and The Joker, Harley Quinn, and even Killer Croc? Some may not want another Batman V Joker film, but I am not one of them. Especially given that there is also a Harley Quinn to add to the mix this time around via Margot Robbie. But, I would also like to see more, and more characters involved as well. Both returning and debuting. And they would be...

Although in every franchise, she is as iconic as Batman and The Joker. It would be nice to see another incarnation of her nine lives. Older Batman with Affleck, so perhaps Angelina Jolie or Kate Beckinsale could fill the role purrrrrr-fectly. Sorry.

He got his redemption in "The Dark Knight Rises", but lets see an even closer rendition. Yes, I want to see size changing when he injects the venom, able to kick butt, and the mask.

Mr. Freeze
Speaking of redemption, although Arnold had the look, his over use of one liners in typical Arnold fashion ruined the role. Let's see what Victor Fries is like in Batfleck's world. The question is who would fit the part. I vote for Hugo Weaving.

The Riddler
I actually like Jim Carrey's version. It was an only slightly dark spin on Frank Gorshin's in the 1960's. After seeing him in "Number 23", I would consider Carrey for the role if he goes that dark with the character. I can see the appeal of N.P.H. but I think it could be too much like Jim with the overacting. Who? I guess that is the ultimate riddle with this one. I say Johnny Depp.

Hugo Strange
Probably not on everyone's list, mine either until I was trying to fit Bryan Cranston into this universe. He wasn't cast as Lex Luthor, so why not cast him as one of Batman's intellectual counterparts?

It would be nice to see this character done well in both appearance and performance. Tommy Lee had a pretty good look, Aaron Eckhart was a nice realistic look. But, both lacked substance as a character. How about a spot on look, with a actor showing two people at odds within one man's mind? Perhaps a role Leonardo Dicaprio could pull off masterfully.

Computer graphics and whatnot are pretty top of the line nowadays, why not show us a live action Man-Bat? Even if for a small part of a bigger story. Casting isn't all that important to me here, as again the CGI is what I would be looking at.

Killer Croc
I know that he is in the "Suicide Squad", but how about more of a focus while within a Batman movie? Of course, after August 5th I may change my mind of this, but until then.

I would have included characters like Robin or Batgirl, but I think that those may be included given Robin's suit appearing in "Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice". Add its "condition" I would say that there is a story to tell there. It is almost a given that Alfred will be appearing, and after seeing the shape that J.K. Simmons got into for his role of Commissioner Gordon in "Justice League", I would say he is on the list for sure as well. I guess we will find out in the years to come...DC finally has a movieverse going on and it is still all in wait and see mode.

For more Movie, Comic Book, TV Show, Video Game, Nerd Fit and Wrestling Stuff! Head on over to Non-Geeky Nerd and check things out! Stay Nerdy!