Monday, April 7, 2014


RDJ.Iron_Man.Marvel.Marvel_Studios.Marvel_MoviesIron Man fans are ready to pounce, and anti-DC Comics fans are ready to war over a title like that. However, even the great Robert Downey Jr has said that it is a likely possibility. He isn't happy about that, and fans share the sentiment. Understandably so. Iron Man was RDJ's revival role, and a talented star who gave us a Tony Stark aka Iron Man that we deserved. If this were to happen, and within the next few years, it presents a possible opportunity for DC Comics fans, namely Batman fans.
Heath_Ledger.The_Joker.Mr_J.The_Dark_KnightWith Ben Affleck set to portray Batman in the upcoming Man Of Steel follow-up, it opens up the opportunity to try to cast the characters that could appear in his version of Gotham City. As we have all seen, the casting of Bruce Wayne aka Batman is a difficult task with large amounts of backlash regardless of who dawns the cowl. The actor choosing for the role of Batman's greatest nemesis, The Joker, is no different. Thanks to the late Heath Ledger's Oscar winning performance, the bar is raised and likely scares off many of Hollywoods most talented.
Iron-Man.Robert-Downey-Jr.Marvel.Everyone has their opinion on who should be next to play Mr. J on the big screen. The actor required is going to not only be talented and have the ability to make the character their own, they also need to have higher than normal self confidence to both take on and successfully play the part. Enter Robert Downey Jr. While he embraced being Iron Man, and most notably owned the role of Tony Stark, it didn't provide much room to truly play or act. That in a nutshell is RDJ, or at least the persona he reveals to the public. Everyone knows he is one of the best actors there is going, The Joker presents an opportunity for him to cement that. He could be done with comic book roles after he is done playing Iron Man, or he could be Tony Stark forever. Which would be totally okay, just a Bat-fan, more notably a Joker fan looking for greatness to play the Clown Prince Of Crime.

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