Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Grant-Gustin.Barry-Allen.The-Flash.The-CW.There are those who hope that this is connected to the universe that will be expanded upon within the "Man Of Steel (2013)" follow-up. A movie that will have Superman now joined by Batman, Wonder Woman, Alfred Pennyworth and Lex Luthor. "Arrow" leading star, Stephen Amell, has stated that he wants the worlds to be connected. Given the popularity of the series that has spawned a spin-off series for the scarlet speedster in "The Flash", it wouldn't be too bad of an idea. Some may say that Marvel is doing this already with "Marvel Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D." However this is a chance to one up the competition by doing it better than them.
On the flip side there are those of course who are against this idea. Hard to argue with them as it is risky to do things in this manner. Especially given the fact that although "Man Of Steel (2013)" was successful, the follow-ups may not follow suit. The television series may falter themselves, with "The Flash" we don't even know if it will be worth watching past the pilot yet, and of course "Arrow" could begin to drop in quality. Either way, together they stand, together they could fall.

Both are right and wrong, however, for the upcoming list we will assume that the television universe that is "Arrow" and "The Flash" combined, and the movie universe stemming from "Man Of Steel (2013)", are completely separate from each other. "Arrow" has given us a few characters so far in the first two seasons. Characters like Deathstroke, Black Canary, as well as the members of Suicide Squad. The show even gave us The Flash himself, but with his being super-powered, it has opened the door for others to begin entering this universe.

Here are a list of characters that should begin to make appearances within CW's "The Flash" and "Arrow" universe....

Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Both of the lead characters of both shows have a deep history with the Green Lantern of Sector 2814. One that may never be portrayed on the big screen. Even if it is just Hal Jordan with no ring. This character needs to appear on these shows. I would prefer him in Green Lantern mode, with the dark setting the green would pop off the screens. Since he does more television than movies really, it would make a good opportunity for Nathan Fillion fans to finally get their wish. Regardless of who played him, Hal is a character that could be on both shows and help unite them at points if they chose to. Who knows, could lead to a successful spin-off himself.

One of the high points of "Smallville" was the inclusion of the members of "Justice Society". He may not have been a spot on rendition, but he was a nice addition to the show. Hawkman would almost fit perfectly into the "Arrow" side of things, so far appearing to be the darker of the two series. Perhaps, he could team with Arrow to form a new version of the "Justice Society" or even there own "Justice League Of America". Then again, Hawkgirl could be added to a new "Birds Of Prey" with Black Canary and Huntress. Either way could work.

The Red Hood Gang
No this would include the man who would become The Joker, it does however include Jason Todd, future Robin and/or Red Hood. Personally I would perhaps have this be a subset of the original group in Gotham City that is looking to expand the empire. Of course when they are stopped, they are too preoccupied in Gotham dealing with a Bat problem to retaliate. It would make for a good opportunity to introduce Roy and Jason Todd to each other. Either as a sign of things to come, or even to pay homage to the two currently teaming together with Starfire in the comic book "Red Hood And The Outlaws". Given Ra's al Ghul is somewhere within this universe, and the general tone of the book, Jason would make a good fit even if only an episode or two. Also as the obvious "Batman Teaser".

Preferably with a much darker persona, and a much larger magic display. CGI wise. Not complaining about the version that was on "Smallville" but new shows, darker approach. With The Flash, and a couple others characters reaching "super-power" status, it has opened the door for characters like Zatanna with her magic as well. She could open the door for other characters of the Justice League Dark to begin to appear within the "Arrow/The Flash" universe on television. Likely minus John Constantine given his new show, but there are others like Deadman or even Swamp Thing.

Batman/Bruce Wayne
It may not happen, and the reasons could be the same as "Smallville". They also may not want to risk someone portraying a better Batman than Affleck, or not want to have an inferior one on television. Another character that if accepted by the audience, could also get a spin-off series. Some may say that would be too much like "Arrow" already is, however there are a lot of key differences that would separate them, especially if it was written properly could make for a successful show that is different from the one in which it was spawned. FOX isn't going to be giving us the dark knight, their Bruce Wayne is way too young still for that to even be a possibility.

Wonder Woman
Another one who is very unlikely given her new found presence on the big screen via Gal Gadot. She was however very close to getting her own series before there were talks about there being a sequel to the "Man Of Steel (2013)". It is also hard at times not to wonder if Paradise Island isn't out there when we are taken back to Oliver's days as a castaway. Added the new super-power theme with the Mirakuru formula enhancing guys like Roy and Deathstroke, and as well as The Flash making his transformation via his traditional route. Could "save" the character if Gadot's upcoming rendition doesn't work out well.

Of course there is an endless list of characters directly from both worlds that should appear, but highly likely that they will appear at some point. It will be interesting to see if they allow any characters to do double duty. The given reason for Batman/Bruce Wayne not appearing on "Smallville" was that they weren't allowed because Nolan was currently using the franchise. Flash getting his own show makes one think that they will allow it, if they aren't planning to combine them into one universe. He is a key member of Justice League and it would be safe to assume that they plan to expand the roster beyond the trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman in the movies. One may mention that FOX's upcoming "Gotham" which will feature a young Bruce Wayne. FOX is a special breed. They are also giving one of two Quicksilver's in the upcoming X-Men: Days Of Future Past, while The Avengers: Age Of Ultron gives the other. Hollywood. Sheesh.

Stay Nerdy!

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