Saturday, April 11, 2015


Not much is really known about new DC Comics "movieverse" other than what we gathered from "Man Of Steel" back in 2013. We do know the projected film schedule, and what movies they plan to release. With films like "The Flash", "Suicide Squad" (currently being filmed), amongst others set to begin the filming process. But, things could change depending on how things go. We didn't get any real pictures or footage from the shooting of "Batman VS Superman: Dawn Of Justice", leaving the upcoming trailer to appease fans appetites. Other than studio released promotional shots, not much has been seen. The trailer will likely give us a hint at what we can expect.

The only thing we do know for sure is who is a part of the movieverse right now. We're still in the initial "phase" of things, but the cast of characters within this movieverse has grown a lot since "Man Of Steel". And will only get bigger, and could possibly change here and there as this massive plan goes on. There has even been a change where Tom Hardy was signed on to play Rick Flag in "Suicide Squad" but a scheduling conflict saw him drop out of the role. But, here is who we have for sure, at this point in time...

Superman/Kal El/Clark Kent
(Henry Cavill)
Henry Cavill will be returning for "Batman VS Superman: Dawn Of Justice". And it is somewhat fitting that "Man Of Steel" was the first installment in this movieverse. As it was Superman who launched the superhero genre in comic books. Hopefully the Reeves fans will finally embrace him.

Batman/Bruce Wayne
(Ben Affleck)
There hasn't been a casting choice, and likely won't again, in this movieverse that garnered such negativity. Hopefully Ben Affleck as Batman or Batfleck as he's been dubbed, not only delivers in this role, but causes the haters to jump on the Batwagon after all is said and done.

Wonder Woman/Princess Diana
(Gal Gadot)
While the net was ripping apart Bafleck based on past movies (Daredevil notably), Gal Gadot has been receiving negativity based on appearance alone. Which is sad. More so than Batfleck, here is hoping Gadot crushes her haters with an epic performance as Wonder Woman.

Aquaman/Arthur Curry
(Jason Momoa)
From the promotional photo, Momoa looks badass. Which is something Aquaman fans have been saying about Arthur Curry for years. Big screen, CGI effects, hopefully a great script, and the nay sayers may eat their words...with a trident.

Cyborg/Victor Stone
(Ray Fisher)
Not much is known about Fisher, with his acting resume being only stage performances. "Batman VS Superman: Dawn Of Justice" will be his big screen debut. And is expected to continue to portray Cyborg both in Justice League and solo films in the future. No worries though. Studio had to have seen something in him. Plus with the all-star cast he can only get better, and better.

Lois Lane
(Amy Adams)
With the exception of DC Comics "New 52" imprint/continuity, there almost can't be Superman without Lois Lane. Amy Adams returns to the character she played in "Man Of Steel". Hard not to wonder how Wonder Woman being added to the mix will affect Clark and Lois' relationship.

Martha Kent
(Diane Lane)
What was said about Lois, can almost be said for Martha Kent. Superman's one true attachment to earth is his mother (adoptive, but mother none the less). With more of a Justice League aspect to things, it will be interesting to see where Diane Lane fits into the thick of things.

Perry White
(Laurence Fishburne)
"Great Cesar's ghost!" Perry White and of course, The Daily Planet will be returning. Legendary Laurence Fishburne will once again lead the bullpen in "Batman VS Superman: Dawn Of Justice".

Alfred Pennyworth
(Jeremy Irons)
Alfred is Batman's Lois Lane in a sense, as you almost can't have Batman without an Alfred Pennyworth to be there to assist him. Jeremy Irons will be bringing the gentlemen butler to life in this movieverse. Already giving Batfleck doubters some sense of reassurance.

Lex Luthor
(Jesse Eisenberg)
With names like Bryan Cranston, Mark Strong, etc being the majorities favorites to play Lex Luthor in DC Comics movieverse, Jesse Eisenbergs being chosen was initially met with criticism. Not Batfleck level, but it was there. Luckily that faded quick as people remembered Eisenberg's past roles showed he was a good choice.

The Joker
(Jared Leto)
Although there wasn't really any negativity around this casting choice, not to the level of what Heath Ledger had faced when the late actor was tapped to play The Joker in "The Dark Knight". Was Ledger's Oscar winning performance the reason fans didn't flip? Is it Leto himself? Or is it that "Suicide Squad" is a villain centered team/film?

Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel
(Margot Robbie)
Of all of the members of the cast for "Suicide Squad", Margot Robbie may have the biggest challenge. Sure, she has the look to play Harley Quinn. But, almost every fan will be judging her based on her voice. Hopefully, fans will be okay for a similar sound but superior performance.

Deadshot/Floyd Lawton
(Will Smth)
Not as big as he "was", but Will Smith is one of the biggest stars in this movieverse. Smith will be bringing the sharpshooting villain, Deadshot, to life. Given his star power, will we see...Will in other DC Comics movieverse films? Another "Suicide Squad", or a Batfleck film?

Killer Croc/Waylon Jones
(Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje)
Although some say that Adewale will actually play King Shark (understandably as he is a usual member of Task Force X aka Suicide Squad), majority of the reports say Croc. With him being a member of Batman's rogues gallery, will we see Waylon Jones/Killer Croc in Batflecks Gotham?

Captain Boomerang/ George "Digger" Harkness
(Jai Courtney)
Obviously Australian Captain Boomerang will be brought to life by an Aussie. Before he becomes Kyle Reese in "Terminator Genisys", Jai Courtney will be throwing boomerangs in "Suicide Squad".

Enchantress/June Moone
(Cara Delevingne)
It would appear that there will be a touch of magic in "Suicide Squad". Cara Delevingne will be casting spells as Enchantress. Does this mean that "Suicide Squad" could give us a taste of what could be in "Justice League Dark"?

Rick Flag
(Joel Kinnaman)
Basically a leader on the field. Waller calls the shots from afar, Rick Flag sees to it that orders are carried out while working along side Task Force X. Will this be the role Joel Kinnaman (originally Tom Hardy) will portray in "Suicide Squad"?

Amanda Waller
(Viola Davis)
Someone needs to tell the Task Force X or "Suicide Squad" what to do. Viola Davis  brings her stage, television, and film experience to the role of Amanda Waller.

Black Adam
(Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson)
Although The Rock has stated this isn't in the same movieverse, some have said DC looks at all of this as their live action multiverse. That being said, who's to say that The Rock won't be bringing Black Adam into THIS movieverse at some point.

Shazam!/Bill Batson
The only thing we know about any of this is that The Rock signed on to play Black Adam. So, although we don't know who will play Shazam! (formerly Captain Marvel), we do know that he will obviously be here. And like stated before, maybe one day Shazam! will be apart of the movieverse this article is focused on.

That is just so far. "Suicide Squad" alone recently posted a group picture on Twitter. While there were the cast members listed above, there are some other actors in the photo. Who they will be playing in "Suicide Squad" has yet to be clarified. There are also the planned films who's rosters have yet to be cast. With there still being almost a year until "Batman VS Superman: Dawn Of Justice" hits theatres, and "Suicide Squad" is currently filming in Toronto, we are in "wait and see" mode. But, this is what we have so far, and of course this list will grow, and possibly change as time goes on.

For more Movie, TV Show, Comic Book, Video Game, and Wrestling stuff! Head on over to Non-Geeky Nerd and check things out! Stay Nerdy!

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